Books Card
1 component, 2 variants
Books Card
1 component, 2 variants
Books Card
1 component, 2 variants
This component will help to show the review of a books, using the two-column format like a newspaper. It can also be used to review a movie, physical product, or any useful things.
Framer Version
1 component, 2 variants
Figma Version
1 component, 2 variants
This component will help to show the review of a books, using the two-column format like a newspaper. It can also be used to review a movie, physical product, or any useful things.
Framer Version
1 component, 2 variants
Figma Version
1 component, 2 variants
This component will help to show the review of a books, using the two-column format like a newspaper. It can also be used to review a movie, physical product, or any useful things.
Framer Version
1 component, 2 variants
Figma Version
1 component, 2 variants
![Full image of Books Card component](
![Full image of Books Card component](
![Full image of Books Card component](
Frequently Asked
Frequently Asked Questions
Anything you need to know about the template
and UI Kit before deciding to get yours.
Anything you need to know about the template and UI Kit before deciding to get yours.
Can I purchase and resell all the design kits published here?
Unfortunately, NO. After purchasing it, you can use it to speed up your mobile app design project and make some modifications based on your needs.
Can I purchase and resell all the design kits published here?
Unfortunately, NO. After purchasing it, you can use it to speed up your mobile app design project and make some modifications based on your needs.
Can I purchase and resell all the design kits published here?
Unfortunately, NO. After purchasing it, you can use it to speed up your mobile app design project and make some modifications based on your needs.